  • DATE:8/04/2024
  • Perpetrators:Jihadi Sheik Miravali
  • Sexual crimes against women? (Add count):1
  • Where did you come to know about this event from ? (Please provide source link):https://hindupost.in/crime/guntur-ap-72-yr-old-muslim-man-allegedly-sexually-assaults-minor-hindu-girl-who-was-his-granddaughters-playmate/

(Reported as seen)

In Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, a community is reeling from shock and anger following the alleged assault of an 11-year-old Hindu girl by a 72-year-old Muslim man, Sheik Miravali. The distressing incident, which reportedly occurred twice, has prompted demands for justice and raised concerns about media coverage and societal response.

The victim, residing with her mother’s elder sister, was assaulted by the elderly man, who happens to be the grandfather of her playmate. It is alleged that Miravali took advantage of his granddaughter’s friendship with the victim to perpetrate the assault. Despite the victim’s pleas and fear, the accused reportedly ignored her and continued his actions, threatening her into silence.

The courage of the victim’s friend, who witnessed the assault and informed the victim’s family, led to the incident being reported to the authorities. However, the accused’s family allegedly resorted to violence against their own child in an attempt to conceal evidence and intimidate the victim’s family.

The lack of mainstream media coverage and public discourse on the incident has added to the frustration and anguish of the victim’s family and the local community. The absence of attention from prime-time news channels and newspapers has raised questions about the prioritization of such cases in media narratives.

Amidst this outcry, the victim’s family remains steadfast in their pursuit of justice against the accused perpetrator. The incident serves as a sobering reminder of the urgent need for societal vigilance, media accountability, and robust legal mechanisms to address cases of sexual assault and ensure the safety and well-being of vulnerable individuals, regardless of their background.