  • DATE:03/09/2023
  • How many were Murdered?:1
  • Perpetrators:Muslim Doctors
  • Sexual crimes against women? (Add count):1
  • Where did you come to know about this event from ? (Please provide source link):https://hinduexistence.org/2023/09/03/pakistan-muslims-doctors-gang-raped-a-female-hindu-patient-to-death-in-sindh/

(Reported as seen)

A horrifying incident in Sindh, Pakistan has once again brought the issue of safety for Hindus in the country into the spotlight. Seema Soomro, a Hindu girl from Tando Mohammad Khan City, died after being raped by Muslim doctors while receiving treatment at Indus Medical University Hospital.

Seema, who was suffering from kidney-related health problems, was admitted to the hospital for treatment. Tragically, the doctors responsible for her care abused their positions of authority and drugged her before sexually assaulting her while she was unconscious.

As Seema’s health deteriorated, the perpetrators, along with their staff, fled from the hospital. The girl was subsequently transferred to Hyderabad in critical condition, but sadly, she could not survive. This shocking incident sheds light on the deteriorating conditions faced by Hindu girls in Pakistan.

Unfortunately, the situation for Hindus in Pakistan is rapidly worsening. Hindu girls, particularly in Sindh, where the Hindu population is concentrated, are disproportionately affected by religious extremists. They are frequently abducted, coerced into conversion, and forced into marriages with their abductors, who are often significantly older than them.

Moreover, Hindu girls in Sindh often become victims of abduction and rape, while the authorities turn a blind eye and fail to take action against the perpetrators. This alarming trend has been facilitated by the Pakistani government, which has systematically failed to address the issue. The primary factor behind the lack of action is the religious difference between the perpetrators (Muslims) and the victims (Hindus), resulting in a perceived lack of importance and empathy.

The lack of urgency and response from the Indian government concerning the plight of Hindu minorities in Pakistan is deeply regrettable. It is crucial to raise awareness and demand accountability for the persistent persecution, torture, and loss of life endured by Hindu communities in the country. The international community must stand united in condemning such heinous acts and encourage Pakistan to take immediate and effective measures to protect the rights and safety of all its citizens, regardless of religious affiliation.

It is high time for meaningful action to address the deteriorating conditions faced by Hindus in Pakistan, ensuring their fundamental rights are respected and protected, and perpetrators are brought to justice.