  • DATE:06/04/2022
  • Perpetrators:Sabnam and Nadeem
  • General act of Hindumisia. (Add count ):1
  • Where did you come to know about this event from ? (Please provide source link):https://twitter.com/TiredBhiim/status/1511591322242584579?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1511591322242584579%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.opindia.com%2F2022%2F04%2Fhindus-should-be-raped-and-killed-audio-clip-instagram-influencer-sabnam-and-nadeem-goes-viral%2F

[Reported as seen]

Influencer Sabnam and another guy, Nadeem giggled and laughed at the rape of Hindu women and had the audacity of calling the Sanatan Dharma ‘Garbage’. In the vile and abusive conversation, Nadeem said, “I have seen three Hindus being killed in front of my eyes. They die daily in our area. They should be killed openly. A few days ago, a cow was being killed. A Hindu approached and raised an objection. I told him to call Police and administration. They would not do anything.”

Continuing his abuse while Sabnam kept laughing, Nadeem said, “Hindu religion is nothing. These people imagine things. One God of them has the head of something else. Another is half and a half These people are the garbage of the world.”

To his abuses, Sabnam said, “I choked while laughing. Nadeem comedy king, seriously!”
Nadeem challenged everyone and said, “If anyone wants to report me, go ahead. If I had an AK 47, I would have identified and killed them one by one. Hindus should be raped. I will do it. I have raped three Hindu women.” He kept using vile, absolutely filthy abuses for Hindus throughout the clip.

When Sabnam asked him to calm down, he said, “I want them to kill me. Make me a martyr. There will be 100 more after me. What will they do then?”

After the audio went viral, Sabnam played the victim card in her Instagram stories. She said, “For the first time, you have been giving me rape and death threats for the last two days. You are adding me to random groups and abusing my religion. I cannot take it anymore. When I was alive, others, like Abhishek Dev, Yuvraj, etc., gave me rape and death threats. My mental health is ruined. I was already in a depression, and you have made it easier for me. I talked to my parents for the last time. Now the police will handle this.”

She added, “I am freeing myself from this life. You have forced me to take this step. No one is saying anything to the guy who spoke in a live session. I am a girl, and alone that is why you all are threatening me. I have written a note with the names of those who have threatened me. If I am abused without any mistake, this story should be shared widely. Thank you for motivating me to end my life.”

The logical hit of this hypocrisy is that, she laughed when talked about raping 3 women and the death of many.