  • DATE:13/03/2024
  • Perpetrators: Islamic mob
  • How many were injured?:1
  • How many shops destroyed?:1
  • Where did you come to know about this event from ? (Please provide source link):https://twitter.com/_treeni/status/1769968303915647029?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1769968303915647029%7Ctwgr%5E7c805d17f92f0025628646d9f62f76b50c9b171e%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fhindupost.in%2Fcrime%2Fafter-bengaluru-incident-cctv-footage-emerges-showing-hindu-man-assaulted-by-islamist-mob-in-hyderabad%2F

(Reported as seen)

A disturbing incident in Hyderabad’s Gujarati Galli, Koti, has brought communal tensions to the forefront once again, as CCTV footage captures a brutal assault on a Hindu shopkeeper by a group of Islamists. The incident, occurring on March 13, has sparked concerns over communal harmony in the region.

According to police reports, mutual assault allegations were lodged by Narpath Lal and Syed Akber on March 13th. Narpath Lal claimed he was attacked by Akber and his sibling, while Akber accused Narpath Lal and his companions of initiating the violence. The altercation originated from spilled water from Akber’s location onto Narpath Lal’s shop, resulting in charges being filed against both parties under relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC).

Eyewitnesses recounted a distressing scene as the Islamist mob entered the shop, chanting provocative slogans and subjecting the Hindu shopkeeper to a vicious assault. Despite his efforts to defend himself, the victim was overwhelmed by the ferocity of the attack.

This incident draws parallels to a recent event in Karnataka, where a similar attack on a shopkeeper occurred for playing ‘Hanuman Chalisa’ during ‘Azaan’ time. Some activists have criticized the Congress government in Karnataka for failing to prevent such incidents.

In both instances, the victims, whose identities remain undisclosed for safety reasons, were targeted while operating their shops. Reports suggest the attackers, armed and driven by religious fervor, launched frenzied assaults on the shopkeepers.

These incidents underscore concerns about the safety of Hindus in various areas, highlighting the actions of extremist Islamist groups and their impact on communal harmony. As investigations continue, authorities face mounting pressure to ensure the security and protection of vulnerable communities.