  • DATE:12/03/2024
  • Perpetrators:Islamist Anwar, Imran and Maulvi
  • Sexual crimes against women? (Add count):1
  • Where did you come to know about this event from ? (Please provide source link):https://organiser.org/2024/03/31/230203/bharat/love-jihad-rajasthan-imran-used-fake-name-to-trap-hindu-woman-later-gang-raped-her-with-anwar-and-a-cleric/#:~:text=Imran%20purportedly%20forcibly%20married%20the,endured%20horrifying%20acts%20of%20violence&text=In%20a%20harrowing%20incident%20that,the%20Jhunjhunun%20district%20of%20Rajasthan.

(Reported as seen)

A harrowing tale of love jihad and heinous crime has rocked the town of Chirawa in, shedding light on the sinister depths of depravity. The victim, a Hindu woman, fell prey to the nefarious designs of Imran, aided by his accomplices Anwar and a Muslim cleric, in a chilling saga of abduction and gang rape.

The chilling ordeal began when Imran, masquerading under a Hindu identity on Instagram, initiated contact with the victim, who was engaged in online sales. Initially posing as a potential customer, Imran’s facade soon crumbled, revealing his true intentions as he bombarded the woman with lewd messages and explicit content.

Coercion and threats soon followed, with Imran compelling the victim to send intimate photographs and videos under duress. Brandishing the specter of public disgrace, he wielded fear as a weapon to bend her to his will, leaving her trapped in a web of manipulation and terror.

Events took a sinister turn on March 12th when Imran, accompanied by Anwar and a cleric, descended upon the victim’s locality in a chilling display of orchestrated violence. Brandishing firearms, they abducted the hapless woman, rendering her unconscious before whisking her away to an undisclosed location.

In a grotesque perversion of Hindu rites, Imran forcibly wedded the victim while she lay incapacitated, sealing her fate in a macabre ceremony of coercion and despair. Trapped in a nightmarish existence, she endured unspeakable horrors at the hands of her captors and their cohorts, subjected to relentless sexual abuse and degradation.

Miraculously, on March 16th, the victim seized a fleeting opportunity to break free from her captors’ clutches, summoning aid from her family and law enforcement authorities. Amidst a flurry of rescue efforts, she was located in Hisar, her tormentors’ den of depravity, bringing an end to her harrowing ordeal.

As calls for justice echo through the corridors of power, voices rise in condemnation of this abominable act of violence and exploitation. Demands for stringent punishment reverberate across the political landscape, underscoring the urgent need for swift and decisive action against the perpetrators.

In the wake of this tragedy, calls for scrutiny and vigilance ring loud, with demands for an inquiry into the Mandrella region gaining traction. The specter of love jihad and religious conversion casts a dark shadow over the community, prompting a collective resolve to confront and eradicate such insidious threats to communal harmony and societal integrity.