  • DATE:31/03/2024
  • Perpetrators:Islamist Doctor Faizan Ahmed
  • General act of Hindumisia. (Add count ):1
  • Where did you come to know about this event from ? (Please provide source link):https://twitter.com/_treeni/status/1774678633807761907

(Reported as seen)

A disturbing case of religious conversion has emerged from Greater Faridabad, Haryana, where a minor Hindu boy was allegedly enticed into embracing Islam by Doctor Faizan Ahmed. The accused reportedly used promises of heavenly rewards, including 72 virgins in Jannat (Heaven), to lure the boy into reciting the Kalma and observing religious practices.

According to the victim’s family, they lodged a complaint against Dr. Faizan Ahmed and his Russian wife, accusing them of brainwashing the minor and coercing him into religious conversion. The family’s attempts to reason with the boy were met with resistance, leading to escalating tensions within the household.

This incident highlights the vulnerability of minors to exploitation and manipulation in matters of faith and underscores the need for safeguarding their rights and protecting them from undue influence.