  • DATE:16/02/2024
  • Perpetrators:Islamists
  • Sexual crimes against men? (Add count):1
  • Where did you come to know about this event from ? (Please provide source link):https://twitter.com/pakistan_untold/status/1758408373169524967

(Reported as seen)

This is quite troubling. It seems there are some individuals in Pakistan targeting religious minorities in unacceptable ways. When certain groups are unable to find Hindu or Sikh women to harm, they turn to victimizing vulnerable boys instead. How tragic that this young Sikh boy had to endure such a horrific ordeal. No one, regardless of gender or faith, should face violence and abuse. While the details are few, my hope is that this child receives proper support and justice is served. We must stand up for human rights and protect all members of society, especially those most at risk.

This is not the first time. The minorities of Pakistan are facing oppression for decades now. The authorities have failed to ensure justice for them.

The Sikh community, in particular, has faced targeted attacks and discrimination.
To rebuild trust with minority communities like the Sikhs, Pakistani authorities need to take concrete actions. First and foremost, the perpetrators of violence and abuse against minorities must be brought to justice swiftly. Minority voices should be heard and their demands be addressed in a sincere manner.

There must be zero tolerance for discrimination and prejudice against minorities within government institutions and the general public.

Minorities should be given due representation within the government and public sector. Their cultural practices and religious beliefs should be respected. Targeted welfare programs can help uplift marginalized minority groups and improve their socioeconomic conditions. Through such compassionate and just policies, Pakistani authorities can start healing the deep wounds and regain the trust of minorities who have faced oppression for so long.