  • DATE:4/04/2024
  • Perpetrators:Muslim businessman
  • General act of Hindumisia. (Add count ):Unaccounted
  • Where did you come to know about this event from ? (Please provide source link):https://hindupost.in/dharma-religion/west-bengal-muslim-businessman-threatens-to-stop-harinam-sankritan-started-after-police-intervention/

(Reported as seen)

In a concerning turn of events in Kashthashali market, Purba Bardhaman district of West Bengal, the annual Harinama Sankirtan program faced disruption after a Muslim businessman issued threats. The program, which is a longstanding tradition organized by the Bazaar Committee alongside the yearly Kali Mata Puja, was halted due to the businessman’s menacing warnings.

Traditionally held for over 50 years, the Harinama Sankirtan faced unprecedented interference this year when the Muslim businessman voiced his objections and threatened dire consequences if the program proceeded. Fearing potential repercussions, the Puja committee made the difficult decision to suspend the event.

Upon receiving reports of the disruption, authorities from the Purbasthali Police Station swiftly intervened, deploying a team to the area and summoning the businessman in question. With police presence bolstering security near the Puja mandap, efforts were made to resolve the situation and restore order.

Thankfully, following police intervention and negotiations, the Harinama Sankirtan was able to recommence on Wednesday evening, allowing the cherished tradition to proceed as planned. Amal Nath, Secretary of the market committee, emphasized the significance of the event and expressed gratitude for the swift action taken by the authorities to uphold their cultural traditions amidst external pressures.