  • DATE:8/04/2024
  • Perpetrators:Islamists Mohammad Yusuf Sheikh, Naeem Sheikh, Hanif Bhathiyara, Dilawar Pathan, Moin Habdal, and Mobin Sheikh
  • General act of Hindumisia. (Add count ):Unaccounted
  • Where did you come to know about this event from ? (Please provide source link):https://www.opindia.com/2024/04/gujarat-vadodara-based-huseni-samosa-center-used-to-sell-beef-stuffed-samosas-7-arrested/

(Reported as seen)

In a startling revelation, Vadodara Police have made significant headway in the investigation of a beef-stuffed samosa case, resulting in the arrest of the alleged beef supplier, Imran Qureshi. The case came to light after a raid on the ‘Huseni Samosa Center’ in Vadodara, where six individuals, including the shop owners, were apprehended for selling samosas containing beef. The subsequent arrest of Imran Qureshi sheds new light on the intricate web of operations behind this illicit trade.

The investigation was prompted by a tip-off from local animal activist Neha Patel, who alerted authorities to the presence of beef in the samosas sold at the eatery. Acting swiftly on the information, the Local Crime Branch of Vadodara City Zone 4 conducted a raid on the ‘Huseni Samosa Center,’ seizing a substantial quantity of beef and samosa filling. The Forensic Science Laboratory (FSL) confirmed the presence of beef in the seized meat, validating the suspicions raised by the activist.

Further interrogation of the arrested individuals, including shop owners Mohammad Yusuf Sheikh and Naeem Sheikh, revealed the involvement of Imran Qureshi as the supplier of beef-laced samosas. Imran, hailing from Bhalej, was arrested from his residence, culminating in a significant breakthrough in the case. Investigations uncovered a sophisticated operation spanning multiple locations, with the accused operating from a facility equipped with a deep freezer to store beef and other meat products.

The arrests have shed light on the clandestine nature of the trade, wherein unsuspecting customers were served beef-stuffed samosas without their knowledge. The accused, motivated by profit, flouted regulations by operating the eatery without a valid license, underscoring the need for stringent enforcement of food safety standards.

The Vadodara Police have booked the accused under relevant sections of the Gujarat Animal Preservation (Amendment) Bill 2017, reflecting the gravity of the offense and the state’s commitment to upholding anti-cow slaughter laws. The arrests mark a significant milestone in curbing the illegal trade of beef and safeguarding public health and dietary preferences.

As investigations continue, authorities remain vigilant in identifying and prosecuting all individuals involved in the nefarious operation. The case serves as a stark reminder of the importance of public vigilance and collaborative efforts in combating illicit activities that jeopardize food safety and ethical standards.